Adaptec Inc, Milpitas, California claims to have the industry’s first siungle-chip Small Computer Systems Interface-2 mass storage controller: the AIC-9110 provides Fast SCSI to build the fastest drive systems, supporting sustained SCSI data transfers of 10Mbytes-per-second synchronously; it has a 15Mbytes per second buffer bandwidth so that drive and host can transfer data simultaneously at the top rate, and handles serial data transfers to or from the drive at up to 36M bits per-second; the segmented caching feature supports a 4Mb buffer that can be subdivided into several independent segments and it has programmable automatic wake up mode from power-down on SCSI selection; automatic buffer management, including wrap-around pointers for buffer segmentation; and support for interrupt prioritisation; the AIC-9110 will be available in the fourth quarter at $45 for 1,000-up.