The Actuate 9 Service Pack 2 (SP2) layers collaborative pixel-perfect production and ad hoc reporting capabilities across all of Actuate 9 platform’s core modules that include: BusinessReports Studio; eSpreadsheet spreadsheet report authoring tool; Interactive Viewer interface; Information Objects metadata views; eReports high-resolution report writer; and the Actuate-sponsored Eclipse BIRT (Business Intelligence Reporting Tool) software.
Most of the improvements in SP2 target user interface and performance issues to allow for quicker and wider-scale deployment.
We’re committed to improving our architecture of collaborative reporting, said Actuate CEO Pete Cittadini. It’s all about productivity and efficiency.
SP2 is available now.
Separately, South San Fransicso-based Actuate said it had forged an alliance with Troy, Michigan-based iDashboards to give its users access to sophisticated performance dashboard and KPI alerting capabilities.
The iDashboards software includes a set of web-based tools for building highly visual, and dynamic dashboard interfaces that surface data from BI sources.
Both announcements were made at Actuate’s international user conference in Las Vegas this week.