Actix, a supplier of RAN analytics and optimisation solutions for Mobile Network Operators, announced ‘record’ revenues and profits for the first half of FY14, ending July 31, based on a 28% increase in revenues over the same period last year.

The company said that this is the third consecutive quarter showing such profits.

Actix said the results continue to be driven by the adoption of ActixOne, a multi-vendor and multi-technology optimisation platform. Actix now has more than 60 ActixOne platforms in production.

The company said they have seen strong demand in two key segments.

Firstly, optimization of existing RAN infrastructure to improve customer experience through visibility into subscriber location to the street level (geo-location). Secondly, the transition from manual optimisation to self-optimising solutions where Actix has early engagements at several leading edge operators.

Richard Kateley, CTO of Actix, said: "By using our integrated customer experience analytics, geo-location and network performance analytics, we continue to resolve problems that cannot be addressed by analyzing performance management statistics. The power and flexibility of the ActixOne platform, combined with our experience in developing production SON solutions, put us in good shape for the current and forthcoming trials of different self-optimising use cases."

Bill McHale, the CEO of Actix, said: "Our people continue to do an excellent job of using the power and flexibility of the ActixOne platform to satisfy a variety of operator requirements for optimizing their RAN. All of this ultimately leads to a better customer experience and a more profitable operator."