Acorn Computers Ltd previewed its latest educational product lines at the British Education Training and Technology exhibition in London last week. The Cambridge-based company showed its InterTalk software, which gives Acorn users access to the Internet and World Wide Web. InterTalk comprises an electronic mail and newsgroup reading application, along with a Web browser. It will be available in the second quarter of this year, costing ú80 for a single-user version and ú300 for a site-wide licence. The Web browser will not be available until the end of the second quarter. Users purchasing InterTalk before then will be sent a copy when it becomes available. An Acorn RISC version of an integrated learning system has been developed in conjunction with Systems Integrated Research. It enables curriculum software to be run across a classroom network, providing pupils with learning units to match their ability and enabling teachers to monitor their progress and provide feedback. Teachers are able to modify existing material and create new units. Global English is a multimedia teaching supplement covering the whole range of reading, spelling and listening skills, and Global Languages covers similar ground in French, German, Italian and Spanish. Both will be out this month with the integrated learning system following in February, no prices yet. Acorn also announced its OmniClient networking product at the exhibition. This enables an Acorn RISC computer to connect over Ethernet to other common educational network systems, such as Microsoft Corp Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups, Unix and Network File System. It will be available in the second quarter, no prices yet. Acorn’s Access Release 2, Access+ and Access CDShare offer peer-to-peer network management for Acorn envir onments, enabling the sharing of resources, including CD-ROM. Access Release 2 is designed for those taking their first networking steps and is ideal for workgroups, while Access+ is for the more advanced user, according to Acorn. All new Access products will be available in the second quarter. No prices.