Acorn Computer Group Plc is set to add souped up CD-ROM technology to its Archimedes machines – including Eastman Kodak Co’s Photo CD, licensed under a special agreement. It will be upgrading its Compact Disk Filing System to read Photo CDs and other Mode 2, Form 1 CDs and is also working on a new Multimedia Expansion System. This will provide users with multi-session CD-ROM access, unlike the current Acorn CD-ROM System, which offers more basic single session access. The new Expansion Unit will likely surface at the beginning of the second quarter. It will comprise the latest Sony Corp CD-ROM drive with two expansion bays for housing another CD-ROM drive, 3.5 magneto-optical drive, tape streamer or hard disk drive, all for additional storage. It will also house an audio mixer and pre-amplifier that handles audio from up to three sources and drives headphones. A power amplifier module for connecting speakers will also be available. A standard SCSI board will provide the interface to Acorn’s A3000/A3020 or A400 series computers. Pricing has not been decided as yet, but the Unit should be around UKP500. Photo CD access will likely be available around the middle of the year – there are no prices as yet. The company is keen to unleash Photo CD technology on the education sector – of which it holds a hefty 40% chunk – as soon as possible, reckoning it will provide a ready and receptive market. Possible applications include storing footage in computer-based projects, manipulating images in art exercises or just storing photographic libraries.