Acer America Inc has joined the rush to bring out 80486-based EISA bus machines: the Acer 1200 has a 128Kb secondary level caching scheme to complement the on-board 8Kb cache of the 80486, and Acer reckons it achieves a benchmark rate of 11.01 MIPS and 3974.9 K-Whetstones, 37% and 67% respectively better than Acer’s 33MHz 80386-based 1100/33; set for first quarter 1990, ships, it costs $11,000 with 4Mb memory, 1.2Mb floppy, two serial, one parallel ports, power supply, keyboard, MS-DOS 4.01 and MS Windows/386; with a 380Mb hard disk, the price rises to $13,200.