There’s still no difficulty getting funding for new communications companies if you have a good idea, especially if your people have names like Kalpana Inc and StrataCom Inc on their resumes. That is the case with Santa Clara, California-based newcomer Acclaim Communications Inc. Vish Akella, Dirk Christiansen, and Ravi Sajwan, pioneers of switching and wide area network technology at the two companies, have joined start-up veteran Dado Banato to found Acclaim, whose first products are a Series 3000 family of integrated Frame Relay Access devices and routers claimed to offer a clear migration path to Asynchronous Transfer Mode. The 3200FR combines the functionality of an access device and multi-protocol router into a single unit with integral T1 or E1 Channel Select Unit, Bit-Error Rate Tester, two Ethernet ports, two fast synchronous serial ports, and two optional voice-over-Frame-Relay ports at $3,500. The 3000FR router only device costs $2,000.