Intel Corp has won real interest in its Open Arcade Architecture (OAA) platform spec for PC-based arcade games after initial criticism for disappointing prototype games. Acclaim Coin- Operated Entertainment Inc is adopting the Intel Architecture for its new arcade PC system, called Acclaim Arcade PC. Acclaim is using Quantum3D Inc’s Quicksilver PC-based realtime 3D visual computing platform as the foundation for Acclaim Arcade PC. Based on the Intel Open Arcade Architecture, the Quicksilver system will be aimed at cost-sensitive visual computing applications such as coin-op, location-based entertainment, visual simulation and training, Acclaim said. The system enables consumer level game developers access to coin-ops as a way of marketing their new titles, and coin-op developers can deploy their titles to the PC-based home market without massive reprogramming or impaired game play. Intel’s Architecture came under fire last year. Attendees at the Amusement and Music Operators Association Expo on Atlanta, Georgia in October were disappointed by a poor array of PC based arcade games despite promises from Intel that four games developers would use the show to debut the first selection of games on Pentium II arcade systems. The prototypes were criticized for not being in cabinets, still having keyboards, for playing old games and being just demos of what may come, rather than true arcade games. Acclaim will be among the first companies worldwide to ship OAA-compliant coin-operated games. The first arcade game will be Wipe Out Arcade.