On a geographic basis, the firm’s Asia Pacific region accounted for the largest percentage increase in overall revenues, with 21 percent growth in US dollars (22 percent when adjusted for currency translations). Revenues in the Americas grew 11 percent, and the firm’s Europe/Middle East/Africa/India (EMEAI) region posted 6 percent growth in US dollars and a 19 percent increase when adjusted for currency translations.

Accenture’s Products global market unit achieved the highest growth rate of the firm’s five global market units, increasing its revenues by 21 percent to $2.1 billion. Communications & High Tech, the firm’s largest global market unit, reported revenues of $3 billion, an 18 percent increase over 1999. Revenues for the Financial Services and Government global market units increased 3 percent each, to $2.7 billion and $811 million, respectively. Revenues for the Resources global market unit remained relatively unchanged, at $1.7 billion.

In addition to a 10 percent increase in revenues, Accenture also increased its workforce in 2000. As of December 31, 2000, Accenture had approximately 71,300 employees and partners worldwide, a 9 percent increase over December 31, 1999.

The year 2000 was marked by growth and accomplishment for Accenture, said managing partner and CEO Joe W. Forehand. Particularly gratifying was the upward trend in our revenues during the second half of 2000, as demand for our services increased. Overall, we achieved double-digit revenue growth and added to our client roster, talent pool, capabilities and service offerings.