Accenture announced that American Water, an investor-owned US water and wastewater utility company, has selected Accenture to assist in the development of a blueprint for the company’s business transformation programme.

The business transformation programme is a strategic initiative American Water is undertaking to build efficiencies and provide more cost-effective services to its customers.

As the solutions implementer, Accenture will be responsible for working closely with American Water and the Business Transformation team to realise the full potential of its new technology implementation by helping to conform that American Water’s business processes are aligned with the new software technologies.

Accenture will help American Water analyse its current processes and design a blueprint for process and organisational changes as well as new systems that will enable business transformation.

The scope of work includes assessing how the software will support the re-engineered processes and assess the type of training programmes needed for employees to successfully leverage the new information technology tools and interact with enhancements that will be adopted.

Accenture will design plans based on SAP software, the core technology American Water selected, to support the transformation programme.