It’s every man’s worst nightmare. Out on a hot date, you fail to please the lady in the way she expects. A common enough occurrence. But the full horror is just beginning. Suddenly, women giggle every time you enter a room. Requests for dates are rejected out of hand. And the reason? A record of your dismal evening has been recorded on a women’s web site – and every woman on the internet can enjoy your humiliation. This anyway is the idea of veteran feminist Germaine Greer, who sees the net as a way to ‘name and shame’ men by allowing women to share bad experiences on a ‘dating dossier.’ Even a man who fails to measure up to a woman’s expectations can be exposed for she believes that their vital statistics could also be recorded. Dr Greer says: You can also include details about the way he talks, the pitch that he makes and the ridiculous things that he claims about himself so that someone who decides to go out with him anyway can figure out whether she’s ahead of the game or not. Full details of her ideas can be found on http//