The new IBM 8209 LAN Bridge interconnects an IBM Token-Ring Network – at either 4Mbps or 16Mbps – and an Ethernet Version 2 or IEEE 802.3 local net so that systems and workstations with compatible protocols such as TCP/IP, Open Systems Interconnection, SNA, NetBIOS or IEEE 802.2 can communicate across this connection. The 8209 handles all necessary conversion to route information between the dissimilar local nets. Token-Ring stations view the 8209 as a bridge to another Token-Ring, while to Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 stations, the 8209 LAN Bridge is functionally transparent. It is compatible the IBM LAN Manager program and costs $6,265 plus $935 for the Ethernet Attachment Module, can be set up by the customer either on a table top or a rack shelf. It is out on October 20. Designed primarily to be used with the AS/400 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the Bridge facilitates connection of the AS/400 to other systems that have implemented TCP/IP, widely used on most engineering and scientific workstations and for university networks.