About 64% global business professionals still frequently use cloud-based apps to store their personal and professional information, though most of them are worried about the security of the applications, according to a new report.

The latest SafeNet survey revealed that 52% of the survey respondents are worried about the security of the cloud-based applications or data stored in the cloud, while over half of them were not worried about their data stored in cloud.

About 59% of survey respondents revealed that they ‘wouldn’t be surprised’ if they come to hear that that their boss or executives were using file-sharing apps, while 39% of C-level executives are less concerned about security in the cloud compared to 54% of associates.

SafeNet chief strategy officer Tsion Gonen said that what the survey suggests is that cloud app usage and document storage continue to proliferate, and that organisations should reexamine antiquated attitudes towards usage of these apps across the enterprise.

"It’s clear that top-level executives understand the advantages of cloud app usage, and should enable their companies to leverage these advantages by adopting contemporary security tools and practises," Gonen said.

The survey also revealed that EMEA has heavy usage of cloud-based apps than in the US or APAC.

About 52% of survey respondents are highly concerned with their banking and financial apps being hackled by someone.