Tel Aviv, Israel-based 4th Dimension Software Ltd has released the first of its distributed systems management products, based on its new Enterprise Control Architecture. The Architecture comprises Enterprise ControlStation, which runs on Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc-based workstations running Solaris and IBM Corp’s RS/6000s and provides users with a single, hardware-independent interface and a central point of control; and a portable-platform base technology, which enables 4th Dimension products to run under a number of different hardware environments and operating systems. The first Enterprise Control Architecture-based product to materialise is MultiPlatform Control-M – Control-M has up till now only been available for MVS-based mainframes. MultiPlatform Control-M undertakes production control and automated job scheduling via the Enterprise ControlStation for Sun Sparc-based machines running Solaris, IBM RS/6000s and AS/400s, and Digital Equipment Corp’s VAXs running VMS. It also enables a job or process running under one environment to trigger a different job or process in any other one supported by the software. During 1994, MultiPlatform Control-M support will be expanded to 40 hardware environments, including Novell Inc’s Netware and Hewlett-Packard Co workstations. The Enterprise Control Architecture product is shipping now, but no pricing was available. 4th Dimension also plans to offer software dealing with security administration, output management, message availability and management, enterprise back-up, removable tape management and data balancing and integrity next year.