3PAR, a provider of utility storage, has unveiled its Virtual Lock software, which is designed to help 3PAR customers meet data governance and electronic discovery (eDiscovery) needs more efficiently and flexibly.

3PAR claims that Virtual Lock gives 3PAR InServ Storage Server users the ability to protect data volumes and volume copies from intentional or unintentional deletions. The company has developed this capability to eliminate both the need for up-front capacity allocation as well as the need for an additional security layer at the file level.

In addition, the reservationless, non-duplicative, read-only virtual copies (snapshots) supported by Virtual Lock give users the ability to safely and cost-efficiently retain frozen, point-in-time copies of data for governance and eDiscovery.

Virtual Lock software allows administrators to apply a configurable retention period to virtual volumes including thin volumes created with 3PAR Thin Provisioning software and volume copies.

During the specified Virtual Lock retention period, volumes and volume copies are protected against deletion, even by the highest-privileged InServ user, the company claimed.

The company further said that this safeguard against accidental or malicious deletion of disk-based copies removes a barrier for IT departments looking to adopt online virtual volume copies as a substitute for tape backups.

David Scott, 3PAR president and CEO, said: “When used in conjunction with reservationless, non-duplicative snapshots, 3PAR Virtual Lock provides an efficient and cost-effective storage foundation for complying with data governance and eDiscovery procedures.

This is another example of how 3PAR Utility Storage removes risk while simplifying common tasks that are an inevitable part of doing business in the information age.

Jordan Gross, CEO at Ultraspeed, said: “We see 3PAR Virtual Lock as a tool for reducing the cost and complexity of complying with internal data retention policies. The ability to securely retain locked data copies with a 3PAR array and without having to bring in and manage a separate appliance to do this job allows customers to stretch infrastructure investments even further.