3Com Corp, San Jose, California has announced the first shipments of its SuperStack II Hub 100 with support for 100Base-T4, claimed to enable full 100Mbps communications across all major types of unshielded twisted pair cable. The SuperStack II Hub 100 T4 is stackable up to eight units across all major types of unshielded cabling to form a single logical repeater. It provides 12 100Base-T4 Fast Ethernet ports with an optional 100Base-TX or 100Base-FX port, integrating all types of Fast Ethernet connections into a single system, according to the company. Transcend network management software provides graphical Simple Network Management Protocol and RMON Remote Monitoring management of the stack. The SuperStack II Hub 100 Management Unit m anages up to seven 3Com Fast Ethernet hubs. Version 2.0 of the SuperStack II Hub 100 SmartAgent software is also now available, and now includes four groups of RMON, Resilient Links, and Disable Unauthorized Device security. The SuperStack II Hub 10 0 T4 is out now, costing from $200 per port.