3Com Corp, Santa Clara, California has announced that it is now shipping IBM Corp-licensed APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking code on its NetBuilder routers, claiming to be the first vendor to do so. The functionality is also available on the company’s NetBuilder Boundary Routing system architecture products. The NETBuilder II APPN-Network Node Version 6.2 software is said to provide local and wide area link support; Ethernet, Token Ring and FDDI support; Internet Protocol routing; IPX routing; SNA/LLC2 tunnelling; Spanning Tree Algorithm, 802.1d; and SNMP management. For the future, 3Com says that its Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking strategy includes expanded wide area network support, and support for Dependent Logical Unit Requestors in order to expedite the routing of 3270 terminal traffic. There is no word yet on pricing.