3Com Corp, the San Clara, California company that now owns Excelan Inc, will release version 1.1 of its 3+Open LAN Manager in september, claiming the upgrade’s architecture provides increased memory and improved facilities for client-server computing. 3+Open LAN Manager Release 1.1 has Demand Protocol Architecture, DPA, which comprises Resident Protocol Manager and NetBIOS Protocol, NMP. 3Com says Resident Protocol Manager enables client workstations to load and unload multiple protocols to access servers running in OS/2, Unix, VMS and Open Systems Interconnection environments. Client workstations using Demand Protocol Architecture can access information on servers located anywhere on the network gateways or bridges. NetBIOS Protocol occupies 20Kb of workstation memory, and an additional 54Kb is available when it runs on the company’s 3Station/2E diskless network workstation. 3+Open LAN Manager Entry System for up to five users is $1,000. 3+Open LAN Manager Advanced System, for an unlimited number of users, and 3+Open for 3Server, designed for installation on 3Com’s 80386-based 3S/400 dedicated network server, are $3,500 each.