The San Jose company has been talking about the concept for long enough – ever since last April – and now the products are here. Last week, 3Com Corp launched three new products – two of them in the boundary routing line. The ‘cut-down router’ side of things comes in the form of the ‘NetBuilder Remote Control’, a one-local network, one-wide area network interface router priced at UKP3,000, which the company claims can be installed in a few minutes by anyone. Its counterpart at the other end of the link is the Linkbuilder ECS Remote Control Module. This is linked to a central NetBuilder II through one wide area network port and supports the full range of the routing protocols, says the company. Users with existing Linkbuilder remote bridges can get a PROM upgrade priced at UKP250. Finishing off the clutch of new routing announcements is a conventional, but low-end device, the NetBuilder Remote Access. This has one local network and one wide area network connection and sells for UKP4,000. All the new products were shown at NetWorld in Boston, but will not be shipping until March.