Santa Clara, California-based 3Com Corp has added mail and internet capabilities to its 3+Open line of networking products, with the release of 3+Open Mail and 3+Open Internet. 3+Open Mail is an electronic mail system that the company says provides the ability for network designers to interconnect systems from multiple vendors. 3+Open Internet uses standard telephone lines to enable resource sharing and communications among multiple 3+Open networks; it provides links between remote 3+ and 3+Open networks, when integrated with 3+Open Mail. 3+Open Internet operates with other 3+Open Internet servers and with 3+Route and 3+Remote servers, enabling users to access all 3+ or 3+Open network services. 3+Open Mail will be available in the UK this month for UKP1,000 with 3+Open Internet available from March for UKP1,300. Both products are licensed on a per server basis.