The US Commerce Department has now formally announced its preliminary determination that 3.5 microfloppy disks from Japan are being sold in the US at less than fair value, and levels have been set for any anti-dumping duties that may be imposed. The Department is expected to make a final determination in the matter by December 7, and if it is decided that the disks are being sold at unfairly low prices, the US International Trade Commission has 45 days to determine whether the imports caused or threaten to cause material injury to US industry. If the answer is yes, Commerce will direct Customs to collect an anti-dumping deposit or bond on disks imported from Japan, with rates of 44.84% on Sony disks; 22.52% on Hitachi Maxell; 54.32% on Fuji Photo; and 38.35% on all others. Sources say that a settlement may have been reached between the parties under which the Japanese manufacturers will shortly increase their prices by another 40%, and that no more will then be heard of the com plaint, lodged by Verbatim Corp.