ICT lifecycle services provider 2e2 announced that more London-based NHS organisations were added to its managed ICT services platform.

It bagged new contracts worth £4m from Haringey Community Services (now part of Whittington Health NHS Trust) and NHS North Central London Cluster (NCL, the commissioning arms of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington PCT’s).

They will join Camden PCT, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust and Islington PCT, which would reportedly create one of the largest managed shared services offerings in the UK.

Like with all units of NHS, these organisations need to see to it that they are capable of delivering their services while ensuring efficiency savings.

These contracts for 2e2 combines the segregation of the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Health Informatics Services (BEH HIS) and across the sector merger of commissioning services in the formation of the NHS NCL organisation.

Commenting on the agreement, NHS NCL Cluster Deputy Director of IT David Thomas said having determined that NHS NCL needed to wind up the management of its in-house service and move to an external supplier, it considered the options available to it.

"We selected 2e2 for a number of reasons; they were a proven, established, supplier with an existing service and they demonstrated that they had the flexibility to accommodate a broad range of requirements. We were also impressed by their in-house capability across all technology work streams as well as well as the skills of their existing NHS team," Thomas added.