
US Election Meddling: Tech Giants Withheld Data on Russian Interference

Two reports commissioned by the US Senate Intelligence Committee have found that Russian efforts to influence voters are ongoing and…

AI “Crucial to the Future of the NHS”: UK Government Announces Five AI Medical Centres

The UK government has unveiled plans for five new AI centres of excellence across the country in an attempt to…

Dreaming Spires and Dreams of IoT: £1.4 Million Contract Up for Grabs

Oxfordshire County Council has £1.4 million waiting for the company that can help it solve its transport conundrum, using the…

Oxford University AI spin-out grabs $22m in Series A funding

Diffblue, Oxford University’s AI for code team, has raised $22 million in Series A funding just one year after its…

Google’s DeepMind AI masters lip-reading

Researchers from Google’s DeepMind and the University of Oxford have collaborated to create a highly accurate lip-reading software using artificial…