Internet of Things

EU wants Cyber Resilience Act to set the global standard for product cybersecurity

Europe's new cyber resilience act (CRA) was presented by the European Union today. The EU says it wants the legislation…

EU’s Cyber Resilience Act to toughen cybersecurity rules for smart IoT devices

The EU will today announce tougher cybersecurity regulations for smart Internet of Things (IoT) devices in its Cyber Resilience Act,…

Why government action may be needed to push IPv6 adoption

With billions of additional devices predicted to connect to the internet in the next five years, the number of IP…

Toyota Material Handling Goes All-In on Networked Forklifts, as Factory Automation Booms

Toyota Material Handling Europe’s team of developers (then, just a duo) started building applications for networked forklift trucks over a…

Securing PLCs for the IoT: Selecting the Right Hardware

Internet of Things (IoT) consultant Christofer Dutz has been hard at work building open-source protocol adapters to secure IoT communications…

New IoT Security Regulations: The Devil’s in the Details

The UK is planning to mandate a minimum of three security standards for consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices, it…

Why the Linux Foundation’s New Project May Prove Transformative

Plenty of people have talked about bringing common order and interoperability to the fragmented and insecure ecosystem that is the…

Intel Eyes 5G Opportunity With Silicon Photonics Offering

Intel has unveiled details of new silicon products, optimised for bandwidth requirements of next-gen communications infrastructure such as 5G – and…

Alibaba Cloud and Siemens Tease MindSphere ‘IoT OS’ in China

Alibaba Cloud and Siemens on Friday reached an agreement to launch the latter’s MindSphere cloud platform in China’s mainland by…

Industrial Internet of Things Held Back by Mistrust and Poor Connectivity

Industry is struggling to extract insightful and relevant real-time data from industrial internet of things (IIoT) devices, with two-thirds of…