
Seeking a Data Security Portfolio Provider? Symantec, Google, IBM Come Out on Top in Forrester Report

Google, IBM and Symantec have come out on top in a Forrester Wave report on the best data security portfolio providers. The…

Google Cloud Platform Climbs Aboard the Blockchain Train

Google has entered into a partnership with Digital Asset and BlockApps to bring Blockchain offerings onto its Google Cloud Platform…

Google Enterprise Gets New Features to Shore Up Security

Google has unveiled new updates for Chrome Enterprise to help companies operate a more secure workplace for their cloud workers.…

Red Hat Sees Subscriptions Surge, Announces $1B Stock Repurchase Plan

Strong growth in subscriptions, including to the company's OpenShift – a container application platform built on Docker –  drove positive results for…

Cloud and Big Data lure firms but security confidence remains low

Cloud and big data have already swept innumerable organisations away with promises of disruption, but shockingly only 17 per cent…

Robots will eliminate 6% of US jobs by 2021

According to a report from Forrester, by 2021 artificial intelligent agents, or robots, will eliminate 6 percent of jobs in…