Data visualisation

Tableau Gets Language Recognition, Data Cleaning Capabilities

Tableau has added natural language processing to its platform with its release this morning of Ask Data, which allows users…

Google Open Sources Real-Time Visualisation Library Developed by Intern 

Google yesterday open sourced an improved algorithm for tSNE (a machine learning algorithm for data visualisation), developed by an intern,…

Uber Releases Free Geospatial Analysis Application

Uber has released a powerful geospatial analysis application, The data visualisation took requires no coding and is already being used by AirBnB, Mapbox and Limebike. Good…

Industry First as Apache Kafka Gets Data Visualisation Software

From Apple to Uber; British Gas to Netflix, the distributed, horizontally-scalable commit log Apache Kafka has been adopted by swathes…

The Top 10 Charts You’ve Never Heard Of

What do the words ‘Lollipop, ‘Dribble’, ‘Galileo’ and ‘Sperm’ all have in common? Behave! They are in fact all types…

How drones are helping the National Trust save historic buildings

Occasionally when a new technology begins to break through it hits the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Drones have…