
Apple Unilaterally Slashes TLS Certificate Trust Period

Apple is planning to more than halve how long its Safari browser will trust TLS certificates, cutting the time to…

AWS to DB Users: Download Fresh Certs Urgently, or Risk Applications Breaking

AWS has warned users of its Aurora, DocumentDB and RDS databases that they need to download and install new SSL/TLS…

Security Warnings After Revoked Taiwanese Software Certificate Found in Windows

New Microsoft Surface Pro tablets have shipped with a revoked Taiwanese software cert that has certificate-signing privileges "embedded" in their…

LinkedIn Lets SSL Certs Lapse (Again)

Desktop users logging in to LinkedIn this week were briefly warned by their browsers that doing so was likely to…

Certificate Management: Avoiding a World of Pain

Software certificate issues have been blamed for a host of recent enterprise ills, including a widespread outage of Ericsson's infrastructure that left…

Let’s Encrypt Celebrates Officially Being Trusted by Certificate Authorities

Let’s Encrypt is now trusted by all major certificates, paving the way forward for more widespread encryption on the Web.…

Stolen Code-Signing Certificate Used in Malware Attack

A new malware campaign that misuses a stolen digital certificate has been identified security researchers at ESET. They found that…