What is Apache Lucene?

Apache Lucene is a full-text search library created by the Apache Software Foundation. Being a full-featured text search, Lucene aims…

We Need to Talk About Apache Camel

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) oversaw 339 projects in 2019 -- with a robust community of over 3,000 committers tweaking…

Open Source at the ASF: A Year in Numbers

The Apache Software Foundation has published its annual report for fiscal 2019. The hub of a sprawling, influential open source…

The Apache Software Foundation Gets a New Top Level Project: Here’s Why IBM’s so Pleased

Apache OpenWhisk, the open source project that IBM uses to provide serverless functions, has graduated as an Apache Software Foundation…

The ASF Decommissions Its Own Git Service, Lands Fully on GitHub

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), open source's elder statesman, has moved 200+ million lines of code for its 350 projects off…

Introducing Three New “Top Level” Apache Projects

The Apache Software Foundation, the world's largest open source foundation has announced three new fully fledged "Top Level" projects. (This is…

Apache Unomi Could Prove a Major Customer Data Platform Disruptor

Does your business need a Customer Data Platform (CDP) to store customer insights, such as behavioural data, or handle visitor…

Meet the Apache Software Foundation’s Top 5 Code Committers

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) — which this year celebrates its 20th anniversary — is the meritocratic heart of arguably the world’s…

Apache Groovy 3.0.0 Released, as Downloads Top 100 Million

Apache Software Foundation (ASF) project contributors have released version 3.0.0 of Apache Groovy, the dynamic language for the Java platform,…

Apache Software Foundation: myNewt Flourishing, Check; Cloud Migration, Check; Audit Passed; Check; Five-Year Plan? Check…

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has passed its first financial audit, migrated its own infrastructure to the cloud from ten-year-old…