Google has confirmed in a blog post that a new update for Google Glass will allow wearers of the technology to take photos by winking.

The hands free camera operation will be faster than a camera button or voice activation, and Google says it will work even when the display is off.

The update, dubbed XE12, also adds a screen lock feature and the ability to upload and share videos to Youtube.

"Imagine a day where you’re riding in the back of a cab and you just wink at the meter to pay," the firm said.

"You wink at a pair of shoes in a shop window and your size is shipped to your door. You wink at a cookbook recipe and the instructions appear right in front of you – hands-free, no mess, no fuss," it added.

There have been many times I’ve been wondering about town thinking "Jeez, if only I could just blink wink right now and all my problems will be solved."


What happens if you wink at some potential love interest though? Will they be shipped to my door as well?

Google I think this could be really dangerous…