Our pick of the best of the morning reading

1. The irony of Scott McNealy’s goodbye note (Venturebeat.com)
As Sun founder McNealy pens a farewell note to the firm’s employees following Oracle’s takeover Dean Takahashi looks back at the ‘legendary’ character’s career.
2. State of the Union (Jim Whitehurst)
Jim Whitehurst, president and CEO of open source giant Red Hat takes a look back at what was an impressive 2009 for the company.
3. Ballmer’s Tablet Bumble (Robert Scoble)
Today is the day when Apple finally announces the worst-kept secret in technology – its new tablet PC. Robert Scoble examines why Microsoft missed the boat with tablet PCs.
4. When is open source not open source? (SourceForge)
Open source firm SourceForge recently blocked access to users from countries such as Cuba, Iran and North Korea. Here the company explains its decision.
5. MPs turn to Twitter to talk to voters (The Telegraph)
111 MPs are now on Twitter and most of them are Labour. But the Tories are using the medium more effectively as we approach the general election.

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