1. Zuckerberg: "People will always want to keep some things private" (GigaOm)
Liz Gannes looks at Facebook founder Mark Zucerkberg’s latest interview and the never-ending debate over privacy on the social networking giant.
2. The softer side of Dell (The New York Times)
Ashlee Vance examines Dell’s transformation away from its hardware origins to the software and services space.
3. How I became a Foursquare cyberstalker (The Guardian)
Foursquare is the coolest social networking tool in the world, but the privacy implications are terrifying, says Leo Hickman. The article features CBR editor Jason Stamper.
4. Apple iPad sales: Why tablets are even bigger than we thought (Forrester)
Consumer product strategists, even those not in direct competition with Apple, should pay attention to the iPad, because it’s defying common assumptions about consumer technology adoption, says Sarah Rotman Epps.
5. IBM’s new zEnterprise – quick analysis (Michael Cote)
The RedMonk analyst looks at IBM’s latest mainframe announcement, the zEnterprise.