Verizon Wireless and Nokia have launched Nokia 2705 Shade, a compact flip phone in two versions with and without a 1.3 megapixel camera, with the ability to choose the color of choice with Xpress-on covers, sold separately.
According to Nokia, the new 2705 includes a large display, VZ Navigator-capable to give customers access to more than 15 million points of interest and mobile web with micro USB 2.0. With light-weight and stylish shade, 2750 can store up to 1,000 contacts, and easily fits into a pocket or purse.
In addition, the full charged battery of 2705 gives up to 300 minutes of usage time or up to 360 hours of standby time, and is Bluetooth compatible that supports headset, hands-free, phonebook access, basic printing, and object push.
The Nokia Shade with camera is expected to be available from october 6 through Verzion wireless’ website at a price of $29.99 with a two year agreement. Xpress-on changeable covers in blue, red and purple can be obtained at $19.99 on Verzion’s website.