The software vendor Red Hat has launched a public beta of its app container Atomic Host, designed to let firms easily roll out programs across varying hardware.
Built off the back of the firm’s flagship software Enterprise Linux 7, it is available directly from Red Hat. It is also available through Amazon Web Services or the Google Compute Platform.
"Increasingly, business applications are being constructed, not as a monolithic stack, but rather as a combination of simpler applications (microservices)," Red Hat said.
"These microservices provide greater flexibility, as they may be combined in a variety of ways to build applications that suit the particular business need."
The service also features an update mechanism that stores configurations in the manner of a software image, allowing customers to roll back to previous software versions in a bid to reduce downtime.
Red Hat’s collaboration with Google has also resulted in the Kubernetes framework for managing multiple clusters, intended to unify larger business application deployment.
"This ability to ‘deploy anywhere, deploy everywhere’ enables you to choose the best platform for your container infrastructure," Red Hat added.