Access management vendor Imprivata has announced that Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust has selected its OneSign platform to provide single sign-on capabilities to 3,000 workers across the Trust.

The new service, implemented by Enline, is designed to speed up access to vital applications, patient data and shared workstations. It offers users a single set of secure sign-on credentials instead of multiple sign-ons.

Staff can use their NHS smart cards for access and can also independently manage their own passwords. This should reduce the need for IT staff intervention in the case of a lost or forgotten password.

John Skinner, IT Director, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “Improving the speed and efficiency at which patient data can be made available to our staff is vital to our Trust. Our staff use a myriad of different applications, each with its own unique password policy. We were finding that users often misplaced or simply forgot log-on credentials, leading to system lock-outs, strain on IT helpdesk resources, and reduced productivity.”

Skinner added that the new platform has increased productivity at the Trust: “Our staff require just one set of credentials to access multiple systems, and the facility to reset passwords locally avoids costly helpdesk calls and keeps users connected so they can access key applications.

“We’ve also improved our user access auditing capabilities, delivering another layer of security across the infrastructure. Last but certainly not least single sign-on is integral to our plans for Clinical Contexting, as it provides the single point of authentication needed to consolidate data from different applications into a single point-and-click portal.”

This contract win brings the total number of NHS Trusts using Imprivata OneSign to over 50, totalling 115,000 users throughout the UK.