About 78% of UK kids have asked for a tech gift from their parents for Christmas, with the majority of asking for a tablet, games console or their parents’ own laptop, a new study has revealed.

The latest survey by FreeDeliveryLand.co.uk revealed that parents have given different excuses in response to kids’ requests, with 46% of them saying the gadgets are too costly.

However, 29% of parents considered their kids being too young and 18% would prefer to purchase more conventional gifts.

A FreeDeliveryLand.co.uk spokesperson was cited by the Telegraph as saying that children grow up with gadgets around them all the time now – at school and at home – so it is becoming harder for parents to say no.

"There can be a compromise though," the spokesperson added.

"There are now some good, low cost tablets available and there are some good alternatives aimed specifically at younger children which are certainly worth considering."

Over half of the surveyed parents admitted presenting what their kids have asked for, with 31% of them said that sad faces on Christmas day was the main reason for backing off.

One of the respondents said that they have always resisted buying children tech presents, but this year they have given in.

"Part of it is because of the pressure we feel under – the number of mums and dads buying their eight year olds top of the range iPads is unbelievable," respondent added.

"We certainly can’t stretch to that so have opted for something at a much lower cost."

About 25% of the surveyed parents revealed that playground pressure was their factor for conceding, with conversations being around the tablets and consoles parents were well ready to shell out for.

Over a fifth of parents revealed their kids used technology at school so they considered it was acceptable for them to have their own devices at house.

Searches for electronic gadgets have gone up by 36% during the current festive season, which is mainly driven by interest in the low-priced tablets, report revealed.