A fifth of companies in the UK (19%) ban workers from using their own technology, according to a new survey from Casio Projectors.

Nearly two thirds of people (63%) don’t ever taken their own technology into workplace, the study of 1,200 British workers, undertaken by YouGov, said.

Only 19% of the workers believe that they didn’t feel the necessity to bring their technology in their workplace.

Office IT teams have been shifting their approach to support new types of technology in the workplace, with so much attention surrounding the concept of ‘Bring Your Own Technology’ (BYOT).

Casio Projectors senior marketing manager Nieve Cavanagh said however, the reality of office tech is that much of it is chosen and supported centrally, meaning reliability and total cost of ownership are still the factors driving uptake.

"IT managers should choose office technology to suit their users’ needs, as it seems most workers don’t have a choice in the matter. It’s important that people don’t get distracted by the hype around employees bringing their own devices into the office," Cavanagh said.

"Technology services teams should spend time focusing on the core issues facing business IT – performance, reliability, ease of use, and environmental impact of the tech they buy."

The most popular BYOT devices to bring into work are mobile phones and laptops, with 29% and 15% of people, respectively, bringing these gadgets in, while only 3% of workers bring tablet computers into their work environment.