The Linux Foundation, which offers tools, training, and events to scale any open source project, is planning to bring the JavaScript community under one roof.

It launched the JS Foundation to support some of the most important projects in the JavaScript ecosystem.

JavaScript developers currently depend on an increasing portfolio of open-source technologies to create, test, and implement critical applications.

The JS Foundation aims to drive broad adoption and ongoing development of key JavaScript solutions and associated technologies.

Founding members of JS Foundation include IBM, Samsung, Bocoup, Ripple, Sauce Labs, Sense Tecnic Systems, Sitepen, StackPath, the University of Westminster and WebsiteSetup.

js-foundationA mentorship programme has been introduced by the JS Foundation for several projects including Appium, Interledger.js, JerryScript, Mocha, Moment.js, Node-RED and webpack.

JS Foundation executive director Kris Borchers “The JS Foundation aims to support a vast array of technologies that complement projects across the entire JavaScript ecosystem.

“JavaScript is a pervasive technology, blurring the boundaries between server, client, cloud and IoT.  We welcome any projects, organisations or developers looking to help bolster the JavaScript community and inspire the next wave of growth for application development.”

A technical advisory committee will offer technical advice to the projects and inform the governing board on technical opportunities seen in the JavaScript ecosystem. A board of directors will guide business decisions and marketing.

The JS Foundation will also build on its work with standards bodies like W3C, WHATWG and ECMA TC39, to care of the open standards that browser vendors and developers depend on.