A comScore survey of 6,000 U.S. tablet owners revealed that iPad owners have the highest level of satisfaction with Android tablets (not including Kindle Fire) ranking lower, but still higher than the smartphone.
Consumers based their decisions of purchasing a tablet on the "selection of apps, price and device band."
"New TabLens data showed that tablet owners were highly satisfied with their respective devices, with the average overall satisfaction rating reaching 8.6 on a 10-point scale," said the report. "In comparison, smartphone owners rated overall satisfaction with their device at 8.1."
Kindle fire tablets scored higher than Android tablets with a score of 8.7 compared to Android’s 8.2 score.
The study also revealed the dominance of tablet usage in the lives of consumers. One in four smartphone owners now own a tablet with two in three using it to access social networks.
Nearly 45% reported using their tablet to access bank accounts and three in five say they use their tablet to read books.
iOS and Android tablets were also found to differ between consumer divisions.
Over 50% of iPad owners were found to be young wealthy males while Kindle Fire owners were predominantly female.
Android and Kindle Fire tablet owners were found to have a lower household income than iPad owners, falling closely with household income figures of smartphone owners.
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