Blackberry has dismissed Gartner’s recommendation that customers should switch to other mobile phones.

The Canadian smartphone maker has announced plans to make half its workforce redundant by the end of the year after reporting a net loss of $965m with a drop in sales during its second quarter.

Analysts Gartner has advised customers of the firm to switch to other mobile technologies following the news, but Blackberry has labelled Gartner’s comments "purely speculative".

The company said in a statement: "We recognise and respect external parties’ opinions on Blackberry’s recent news.

"However, many of the conclusions by Gartner about the potential impact of a sale or other strategic alternatives, are purely speculative."

Blackberry’s products are still in use in the business world, particularly in large financial institituions as well as some governments.

Gartner claimed such customers have around six months to make preparations to switch to alternative smartphones, and said in a report last week that customers were becoming iuncreasingly worried that its hardware could be sold to a foreign government.