Android grabbed the top position in the UK mobile OS market with 58.4% share, surpassing Windows and Blackberry that captured 11.4% and 3.1% respectively during the quarter ending September 2013, a new report revealed.
According to Kantar Worldpanel ComTech’s latest smartphone sales data, Apple’s iOS captured 27%, while it is anticipated to reinforce during Christmas season.
Kantar Worldpanel ComTech strategic insight director Dominic Sunnebo said that August is traditionally a quiet month for Apple as consumers wait for the release of new models, and strong sales of the iPhone 5S and 5C at the end of September did not manage to make up for the lull.
"The full impact of the new iPhones will be seen at Christmas when iOS is expected to bounce back strongly in Britain, the US and Australia," Sunnebo said.
However, Windows Phone now constitutes to one in 10 smartphone sales across the five major European markets and has also surpassed iOS in Italy, while Android still dominates across Europe with 71.9% share.
Nokia is mainly responsible for driving Windows Phone and it is constantly making rapid development in Europe while also showing signs of growth in emerging markets including Latin America.
"With the smartphone market in developed countries so congested, it is emerging economies that now present manufacturers with the best opportunity for growth," Sunnebo said.
"Nokia dominated in Latin America for many years, and while its popularity declined with the fortunes of Symbian it now has an opportunity to regain the top-spot.
"The majority of consumers in Latin America still own a Nokia featurephone and upgrading to an entry level Lumia is a logical next step.
"Price is the main barrier in developing markets and the budget Lumia 520 opens the door to smartphone ownership for many."
In China, Android powered devices again dominated other devices and accounted for 81.1% of the overall market.