3M Touch Systems, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 3M company, has revealed that its Projected Capacitive Technology and MicroTouch System SCT3250EX HID touchscreen product, based on Surface Capacitive touch technology have achieved the ‘Compatible with Windows 7’ logo.

The company claims that 3M touchscreen products that are engineered to be integrated with the Windows 7 OS, allows application developers and customers take advantage of the operating system’s new touch interface.

According to 3M, its touch technology offers Windows 7 developers ‘true’ multitouch functionality with 10-finger simultaneous touch capability for multi-finger and multi-user applications. This technology is currently available as a 19-inch multi-touch developer’s kit.

The company said that with the new certification, 3M touchscreen displays or 3M touch-enabled devices with 3M USB-HID connectivity will plug and play with the Windows 7 operating system without loading touch drivers.

Ty Silberhorn, general manager at 3M Touch Systems, said: “3M is very pleased to have achieved Windows 7 compatibility for our projected capacitive and surface capacitive touch technologies and to support the Windows 7 ecosystem.

“Now, whether they need single touch, simple gesture or ‘true’ multitouch interactivity, Windows 7 customers have two strong 3M offerings to meet their touch application needs.”

The SCT3250EX HID product is available in sizes ranging from 6.4 inches to 32 inches.