Assange founded Wikileaks in 2006 and the company has been responsible for many high profile leaks including the Afghan and Iraq War Logs, the Collateral Murder Video, Cablegate and the Global Intelligence File.

The State run channel has been used by many voices as a platform to express anti-western conspiracies. The channel, along with the Russian government, has been supportive towards Assange since his arrest in 2010 for alleged crimes of a sexual nature against two women, both former Wikileaks volunteers.

Assange supporters protesting his trial

The Wikileaks founder has been under house arrest for around 500 days and has been playing host for the show in his temporary home in the English Countryside, according to a Wikileaks statement.

"The World Tomorrow" is a collection of twelve interviews featuring guests ranging from politicians, artists, visionaries, and revolutionaries.

Julian Assange says he wants to the show "capture and present some of this revolutionary spirit to a global audience." The Wikileaks Editor-in-chief also says the show gives "a platform to broadcast world-shifting ideas."

The show will originally air on Russia Today’s network but will be available for viewing online and is anticipated to go to more networks in the future.


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