Vertu has launched the new TI luxury smartphone, which is the latest high-end phone manufactured by the UK firm after parting ways with Nokia in 2012.
The smartphone costs around $10,000 for the Titanium Black Leather model, while the red gold version will be offered at a price tag of about $22,205.
Vertu chief executive, Perry Oosting, told the BBC that the company has chosen Android over Windows as an operating system for the luxury handset.
"You need to be part of an ecosystem," Oosting said. "Your device will have to integrate with other devices. I think the Windows phone will have success but it is still a relatively small market share.
"At the moment it doesn’t have the global reach of Android – which is about 60% of the market."
The hand assembled phone features a dual core 1.7GHz processor, 1GB RAM, 64GB of internal memory, main 8MP rear camera and a front facing Skype compliant camera that allows video calling.
Weighing 180g, the device features a ‘concierge’ button that connects the caller with a global team who offer localised advice and assist with events and restaurant bookings.
According to the Vertu, its handsets will be on sale at 500 retail outlets, of which 70 are the company’s own global boutiques.