About 73% of Britons have logged on to Internet in 2013 so far, 20 million more than what it was in 2006, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The report showed that accessing the Internet on mobile phones had more than doubled between 2010 and 2013, from 24% to 53%.
About 72% of all adults bought goods or services online in 2013, compared to 53% in 2008.
In the UK, 21 million households had Internet access in 2013 and broadband Internet connections using fibre optic, while cable was used by 42% of households, up from 30% in 2012.
The ONS said: "The internet has changed the way people go about their daily lives. In 2013 more people than ever before used the internet for reading newspapers and magazines, to access their bank accounts, to seek health information or to buy groceries.
"This release highlights that activities previously carried out on the high street are now increasingly being carried out online," the ONS said.
Age UK director general Michelle Mitchell said: "It is positive news that a third of people over 65 are over use the internet on a daily basis as the internet can offer a myriad of benefits. However, we know that there are still millions of older people, particularly those aged 75 and over, who have never used the internet."