The Linux Foundation has launched the Open Platform for NFV project to accelerate the way to network functions virtualisation (NFV)..
The group, which is also behind OpenStack and the OpenDaylight project, said the project aims to develop a carrier-grade, open source reference architecture that industry figures will build together.
Initally, it will focus on building NFV infrastructure and virtualised infrastructure management, with initial results expected in the first half of 2015.
"The Open Platform for NFV will bring together providers, cloud and infrastructure vendors, developers and users alike to define a new type of reference platform for the industry, integrating existing open source building blocks with new components and testing that accelerates development and deployment of NFV, "Jim Zemlin, executive director at The Linux Foundation.
The project counts many competing companies including Brocade, Cisco, AT&T, Dell, HP, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Juniper Networks and more than 20 other supporting organisations.
"As a member, AT&T hopes OPNFV will create an open platform with software and hardware to expedite NFV implementation," said Margaret Chiosi, distinguished network architect at AT&T Labs.
OPNFV said it will work with ETSI’s NFV ISG, among others, to help implement standards for an open NFV reference platform.
Dr. Steven Wright (AT&T), the newly elected Chairman of the NFV ISG, added: "The NFV ISG’s mission is to facilitate the industry transformation and development of an open, interoperable, ecosystem through specification, implementation and deployment experience.
" The ISG recognizes the value of open source implementations to converge industry requirements and facilitate the development of the NFV ecosystem. I look forward to the future releases of the integrated open source infrastructure platform from OPNFV."
It comes after the OpenDaylight Project launched their second open source release for SDN and NFV control, Helium.