MSI has expanded its line of G series notebooks with the launch of a new gaming laptop, MSI GTS628. The new laptop is equipped with Intel Core 2 Duo processor, Intel PM45 Express chipset and its proprietary Turbo Drive Engine technology.
It also comes with MSI’s ECO smart power saving technology, which allows users to select between five different power modes: game, cinema, presentation, word processing and turbo battery.
According to the company, additional features of the new offering include nVidia Geforce GTS 160M 3D discrete graphic card with 1GB of DDR3 graphic memory and a 15.4 LCD display with a 16:10 aspect ratio to deliver 3D graphics to gamers looking for realistic gaming visuals. The built-in HDMI digital audio-video interface offers 5Gb of bandwidth and supports the latest external E-SATA (USB Combo) port with transfer speeds of up to 3Gb/s.
The company added that the standalone keypad on the new laptop makes it easy to use as a desktop computer and it also includes networking support in the form of 802.11 b/g/n WLAN and Bluetooth for wireless connectivity.
The GT628 reportedly weighs 2.7kg with the battery installed and the 2W twin speakers on it offer Dolby Sound support.