Semtech, Libelium and Loriot, the three members of the LoRa Alliance, have joined forces to produce an IoT development kit.

Designed to accelerate the development of IoT, the dev kit comes in two versions. The first version of the dev kit supports the 915 MHz band based in America, while the other dev kit supports the 868 MHz frequencies used in Europe.

Both version include a gateway, ten Semtech sensor devices, application software, and a connection to the Loriot LoRaWan cloud network. The dev kit’s specification allows for both bidirectional communications with end-points, and multicasts for operations.

LoRaWan is one of a group of proposed low-power wireless communications, with LoRaWan specifically targeted at battery-powered sensor applications. The LoRa Alliance, which recently added Cisco as a member, wants to simply the development process, thereby speeding up IoT projects and devices.

With this dev kit, the Alliance members want to get developers up and running without the need to pre-test hardware or software, as well as removing the worry of if the gateway is connecting to the network.