According to the company, its IP-based encoding solution is expected to deliver an optimized price to performance ratio and is suited for IPTV deployments as well as other switched video delivery applications.

The DiviCom Ion AVC high definition (HD) encoder includes four HD H.264 channels and up to four low resolution picture-in-picture channels in a compact, one rack-unit (1-RU) chassis.

Harmonic’s DiviCom FLEX video and audio decoding module can be integrated into the Ion AVC HD platform, enabling full decode and re-encode capabilities from any IP or ASI source within the Ion chassis. The Ion AVC HD solution employs an advanced video compression engine with multi-pass LookAhead encoding to deliver broadcast quality HD at ultra-low bit rates.

Elie Sader, encoder product marketing manager at Harmonic, said: Harmonic’s DiviCom Ion AVC HD encoder further strengthens the company’s leadership position in HD AVC compression and delivers the superior video quality and reliability. This latest addition to our HD AVC solutions portfolio sets a new benchmark for real-time HD transcoding, delivering four channels per rack unit with no compromise on video quality.