Jinan Yinquan Technology, a subsidiary of China Intelligence Information Systems, has launched Green2C cloud computing platform Calm 1.0.

The platform, based on virtualisation technology, is developed as a basic cloud computing infrastructure with various cloud modules, including private cloud, government cloud and business cloud.

Green2C aims to provide uniform and automated management services to organisations which have IDCs (Internet data centres) and other data centres, such as telecom carriers, during the entire lifecycle of the application, the company said.

The platform, designed under the "service-oriented infrastructure management" concept, focuses on integrating basic infrastructures in organisations’ data centres by abstracting and managing computing resources within the environment.

The company will operate this platform as a carrier to provide virtual machine leasing services to organisations. It will also develop customised cloud computing platforms and provide services to the companies with IDCs and other data centres.

The company plans to release updated versions of the cloud computing platform on a regular basis and will integrate a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model.