The UK Government Procurement Service has launched a new initiative to shift the sourcing of IT services on-line by offering Neustro Consulting’ new NeuQs cloud based help desk software solution through its G Cloud store.

The G-Cloud Programme is a cross government initiative led Ministry of Justice supported by Home Office under the direction of the Chief Information Officer Delivery Board as part of the Government ICT Strategy.

Neustro Consulting Managing Director Martin Roberts said that the G Cloud approach will allow small and medium sized firms to conquer the hurdles and barriers of selling to Government departments.

"The G cloud program has made this relatively easy to achieve," Roberts said.

The new platform can be downloaded as well as offered ‘in the Cloud’ through Microsoft technologies and the Microsoft Azure platform.

Aimed at ensuring both secure and scalable properties, the new cloud based help desk software solution is available freely for the initial three users followed by a small monthly cost for further users.